Mitraglieri armati in pattuglia sul fronteSoggetto:
Mitraglieri armati di Bren in pattuglia sul fronte del SenioDatazione:
28 gennaio 1945Luogo:
FaenzaInformazioni storico-critiche:
The hills south of Castel Bolognese are held by the 10th Indian division of the 8th Army, and during their spell in the line, 20 Brigade have done a fair amount of house clearing. The pictures in this series depict men of 9 Platoon, "A" Company 1/2 Punjab Rgiment clearing one of the many old farmhouse in this sector. This picture shows a machine gunner covering the valley wih his Bren gun.Donazione:
Enzo Casadio e Massimo ValliUlteriori informazioni
Id Scheda:
IWM, Imperial War MuseumAltre informazioni:
Ex scheda 00460Informazioni da aggiungere?
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